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About Us

We have an amazing, qualified and compassionate team.

Who we are

SLD Nelson was established as an incorporated society in 1987 under its former name SPELD Nelson.

We are a not-for-profit organisation registered with the Charities Commission, supported by grants, fundraising, donations and membership.

SLD Nelson is a member of the Learning Disabilities Association of New Zealand. LDANZ is our professional body, monitoring the registration and professional development of our teachers and assessors.

We endeavour to ensure that every student receives compassion, and the care and understanding that they deserve. Our aim is to give more opportunities to our students so that they can reach their full potential in their learning journey.

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Our Teaching Team

We have a wonderful team of SLD teachers who specialise in the teaching of students with Specific Learning Difficulties. We are all trained and registered LDANZ teachers. Registration is renewed 3 yearly with police vetting.

All are required to complete and submit ongoing Professional Development to ensure that they are up to date with knowledge and learning strategies that are of benefit to our students and themselves.

Our team is experienced in tailoring one-to-one lessons, with a teaching plan that is specific to the needs of the students as identified in their assessment report, ensuring all care is taken for the wellbeing of the student.

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Our Assessors

We are fortunate to have two qualified assessors in Nelson.

Marg LeGros and Linda Rogers are highly qualified NZCER C Level test users, with post-graduate qualifications and professional experience in both classroom and individual needs teaching.

They administer the Woodcock-Johnson IV Tests of Cognitive Abilities and Achievement with students. From there a comprehensive and independent report is created that describes a student’s current learning profile and provides recommendations to parents and teachers.

The report pinpoints the specific individual strengths and/or weaknesses of the student and is the basis for any SLD teaching.

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SLD Nelson Incorporated

Helping those with Specific Learning Disabilities

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